Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly have reportedly ended their relationship following alleged trust issues, according to In Touch Weekly. The Transformers actress, who recently announced her pregnancy with MGK’s child, reportedly discovered text messages from other women on his phone during a Thanksgiving trip to Vail, Colorado. Fox ended the relationship despite her continued love for the musician, as trust remained a significant obstacle.
This marks another tumultuous chapter for the couple, who had previously split in 2023 amid rumors of MGK’s infidelity. At the time, Fox shared a cryptic Instagram post referencing “dishonesty” before deleting his pH๏τos. In Touch Weekly reported that MGK’s partying lifestyle had also strained their relationship in the past, prompting Fox to briefly end things, which served as a wake-up call for the rapper.
On November 11, just days before the split, Fox announced her pregnancy through an Instagram post featuring a positive test and a portrait of herself. MGK, whose real name is Colson Baker, later expressed his excitement on X, formerly Twitter, saying he was “about to be a dad again.” However, sources told In Touch Weekly that Fox struggled to reconcile her feelings and ultimately prioritized her peace over the relationship.
Fox’s ex-husband, Brian Austin Green, reacted to the news in a video shared by TMZ, expressing surprise and urging MGK to “grow up.” While MGK reportedly hopes to rebuild trust, insiders suggested to In Touch Weekly that this breakup could be final. Fox remains focused on her pregnancy and moving forward, marking the end of a highly publicized and turbulent relationship.